

I did it. I made it through. I got a C in that stupid Spanish class. I finished my SIP. I survived finals. I've even managed a few good night's sleeps since then.

Graduation weekend was a blast. My folks and Aunt Jan & Uncle Ron came down, and so did all of Merlin's family. We did lots of perusing around the town... Jan & Ron wanna come back with my parents in August and see more of the city, they were only there for like two days. It was nice, though. The ceremony wasn't tremendously boring, and I had a couple real good meals out. The best was probably the night that all of us and all of the Pierros went out for dinner. It was such a sociopolitically diverse group, there was probably a lot of risk of bad things happening, but it was all fantastic.

So this weekend I head up to Jersey (two day road-trip with my momma, I'm so excited!) then on the 17th Merlin and I head to Scotland. I'm so psyched! We're gonna have such a good time. I got my backpack today. I'm really excited about living out of a backpack, it'll be so freeing and gypsyish. So... yeah. I'm sure I'll return with fantastic tales of hot Scottish boys and Nessie and fey and ale.


//LAYAHEAD said...

CONGRATS :) <3 I wish you the best.

hoagiefest 2020 said...

Congratulations! Now you have time to work on part two of Curespell Hangover :)

Jasmine said...

I'm so frightened for Scotland. . .whatever will happen to it when you and Merlin descend on it??
How big is your backpack? Pack light. . .that's my advice. I've already learned how to overpack backpacks for backpacking trips. It's silly.

Unknown said...

Oh Crap you made through the hell that is college! :p Congradulations Carly, what that felt like must of been indescribable. I myself am actualy a long ways off to reach that nirvana of graduation. I envy you so much. ^^ Congradulations again! I'm so happy for you.

Ps: Yes, I still read your blog, keep updating ^^ I'm stil on Msn if anything. Miss you, lets catch up sometime. Take kare carly. You're awesome ^^